Teachers Take on Bucket Lists

Do you have a list of all the things you want to do in your life before a certain time? Bucket Lists are activities or goals you want to achieve before the end of a certain time. Many high school students make a bucket list with an abundance of activities.

Someone who might have an opinion or advice on a bucket list could be teachers since they have had more experiences than the students. Some teachers create or still have bucket lists of their own.

“I think it gives the students a goal, something to reach for. Maybe they will look to put themselves to get there one day and become goal-oriented,” said Mrs. Megan Swailes (Faculty).

Morgan Shughart (10) works on her bucket list


With bucket lists, students can think of many things and goals they want to achieve in the future. Bucket lists can be something students look forward to doing and completing.

“It can be beneficial if they put time and effort into it,” said Mr. Robert Harvey (Faculty).

Putting time and effort into a bucket list can teach you to do the same with other things. It is a way for students to learn how to strive and accomplish tasks.

“It gives everyone a motive and something to look forward to doing while making goals,” said Caleb Wise (10)


Holding up the bucket lists they created, Jacob Richard (10), Hunter Smith (10), Kaden Ramsey (10), and Lucas Richard (10) compare theirs.

Bucket lists affect students giving them a passion for things. It gives them hope and accomplishments if you complete what you’re striving to do.


Students are surrounded by teachers and faculty every day, so students should turn to the faculty for advice. Whether it be skydiving or spending a night in a hotel facing the Eiffel Tower, your teachers know what’s important and attainable for you. Don’t be afraid to ask someone on how to achieve the best version of your own bucket list, so that you can live your life to the fullest.