A Winter Wonderland
On Saturday, Feb. 9 James Buchanan hosted their annual Winter Dance from 7 to 10 p.m. Student Council is the organization responsible for the event, they also organize and plan all the other dances throughout the year. This year, they combined the Winter Dance and the Valentine’s Day Dance with a theme of Winter Wonderland.
“My favorite part about the dance is the theme,” said Taylor Piper (10).
With the theme being Winter Wonderland, Student Council hung light decorations and backdrops with a Winter theme, They also incorporated Valentine’s Day into it as well, using roses and hearts decorations.
“I think Student Council enjoys having fun and being together while they’re working together,” said Mrs. Ann Fitz (Faculty).
Student Council starts preparing for the dance early that morning at 9 a.m. until the students start crowding in that night.
With Student Council being responsible for the dance, it makes them accountable for things like the decorations, selling tickets, the DJ, and making sure there is student participation
“It gives the student body a wholesome opportunity to be together and have fun outside of school hours,” says Fitz.
While the participation isn’t as teeming with students like Homecoming or Prom, it is a dance for students to come and enjoy the night together.
The dance started at 7 p.m. and as the doors opened, students created a very prolonged line to enter the cafeteria, where the dance occurred. After a little while, all of the students in various grades were found dancing together in the middle of the floor.
The DJ also included himself in the night with interacting with the students. He picked out a handful of kids and gave them props to play a little game while dancing with everyone. Continuously talking to the student body trying to get them more rowdied up.
Many students seemed to enjoy the dance and all the people in it. It was a night for everyone to get dressed up and come together for an event.