Instruction should be more than lecturing to students who sit in rows of desks and inattentively listen. Information found mainly in books is different from information in conversations with others. Traditionally, most think teaching consists of information sharing, child care, and sorting out less academically active students than others. Teachers told what, when, and how to teach could be expanding creativity like Ann Fitz, a James Buchanan High School AP World teacher.
Many teachers today can be encouraged to adapt and adopt new practices that acknowledge the art of learning and the obstacles some students face. “ I believe that learning to formulate and articulate ideas and arguments based on information is a valuable life skill – these discussions help to develop that skill while also solidifying the content for students. On the AP exam, students will need to write and defend a historical argument on the AP exam. Practicing that verbally, with potential peer pushback, helps students learn to write and protect better arguments,¨ Fitz said.
No more rows of desks, but instead groups of desks; groups help students have the chance to discuss and ask questions to each other before asking the teacher to help improve the life skills they will use for many years to come. Teachers support students as they grow in social and emotional skills and intellectual growth. Rather than see themselves as masters of a subject such as History, math, or science, teachers now understand that they must also inspire a love of learning. “As much as students grumble about the discussions at the beginning of the year, by the end of the year, most students look forward to the days we have discussions. I also love to see the growth of the class as a whole in creating well-rounded discussions on their own by the end of the year,” Fitz said.
The most respected teachers have realized how to make students passionate about their learning by providing project-based, participatory, educational adventures. “ I have been having students do Harkness-style discussions for the entire time I have been teaching AP World – it was recommended as a valuable learning tool in both the AP Institute I attended and my online AP World Professional Learning Community. In the beginning, I only did one or two a year, but I have added more every year as I have seen the benefits of these discussions,” said Fitz. As a teacher, Fitz has realized that discussions have improved her student’s learning skills tremendously, and she hopes to continue to do these discussions for many years to come.