James Buchanan Flag Football


Hannah Kimmel

Pictured above, Coach Stoner (left) and Coach Ellis (right) stand and observe a Saturday morning practice of flag football.

American football is a physical game that requires lots of skill including, strength, agility, and mental toughness. With a great deal of hard work and practice, these traits develop over a period of time. So, it’s good to start young. This is exactly what Coach Stoner had in mind when starting a flag football program.

This program was started two years ago. Every Saturday morning students from grades second through eighth grade, have the opportunity to play flag football at James Buchanan High School football stadium. Last year the program had 50 students, while this year numbers have increased to around 60 students. The participants are divided into groups that are led by some of the players on the high school football team.

Daulton Bray (10) a player on the James Buchanan High School football team expressed his excitement for the sport by saying ¨It’s great to watch the kids play and having fun, I enjoy teaching them.¨

Each group leader is given index cards with plays on them, then the students run over and learn the plays. For instance, they learn who to pass the ball to and where to run.

Coach Stoner explained ¨Flag football is a great thing because it doesn’t have any tackling, allowing kids to slowly ease into the game.¨

Coach Stoner is hoping for an even better turnout next year to get more kids involved and interested in football. He hopes for them to want to play football in middle and high school. Taking the experience they are learning now, to build on later to be stronger for future years.